Futurewell: Co-creation and Wellbeing Design Research Group


A design research group – that takes social and justice orientation to the heart

Futurewell is officially established in 2019. Located in the northern Istanbul, it is an interdisciplinary design research group with a focus on social aspects of design and technology. The group aims to establish critical thinking and making around the equity and inclusion aspects of design, services and technologies. 

With touchpoints to the fields of Human-Computer Interaction, Social Computing, and Computer Supported Collaborative Work, our current work in design includes explorations around understanding

  • communities in later life and their creative potentials
  • disability justice and social access
  • hybrid crafts as service community work
  • equity of human and non-human participants

We develop, teach, share and apply multi-disciplinary methods for imagining our futureselves. Our current setting include faculty and graduate students across the fields of disability studies, media and visual arts, science and technology studies, and design anthropology. 

In our processes, we develop respectful design practices. Currently, we follow the principles of design justice and responsible design.
