Foundations of product design, three dimensional design, design as problem solving method and as a creative activity. Experimental material exercises on volume, texture, and interactions. Building a product by using different materials and mediums. The application of acquired theoretical and practical knowledge to a term project focusing on designing a product for the changing home environments and alternative lives.

This course aims to:

  • extend student’s knowledge about the fundamentals of object design
  • help them acquire the technical skills needed for well composed three dimensional designs, as well as experimental skills for testing various materials and media
  • improve their abilities on creative problem solving and speculative thinking
  • encourage them to engage in steps of a design process (ideation, prototyping etc.)
  • encourage them to critically evaluate design process and outcomes
  • give them an opportunity to work on a real design problem

At the end of the course, the students will learn to:

  • create properly composed, well-balanced three-dimensional designs using various materials and different techniques,
  • practice and learn the dynamics of 3D space-design relationship and scale,
  • acquire a basic knowledge of design terminology to express their ideas verbally,
  • develop experimental skills,
  • being able to respond professionally to the requirements of a design brief and feedbacks during the design process.

Student Works:

Name of the Project: Designing in the Woods

Ayşe Zümra Barmak-2023 Spring

Name of the Project: Sculptures in Nature

Aycan Adıgözel-2023 Fall